Black in Mayberry

WELCOME TO black in mayberry

Combating Racism Through the Arts

We are the intersection where art meets activism

Our Mission

Our mission is to combat racism through the arts. We are the intersection where art meets activism, combining forces to keep the desperate need for equality and justice at the forefront of America’s conscience.

Through art and education, Black in Mayberry builds awareness, challenge constructs that uphold racism and advocate for human rights and social justice in the United States.

Join us for Black in Mayberry's 3rd Annual Juneteenth Celebration

Let’s celebrate freedom in unity with a joyous festival in the park. See our Junteenth page for full details on our 2024 Juneteenth program. 

Juneteenth Events

Let Freedom Reign!

Join Black in Mayberry for a number of fabulous Juneteenth celebration in Los Angeles. With the support, creativity and unity of our community partners we have been able to spread the celebration of freedom across several cities. From story-times, to concerts, festivals and exhibitions we hope you enjoy our carefully curated demonstration of African American excellence in the arts.

June 14, 11am

June 15, 12pm

June 16-23, 2pm ​

June 19, 10am

June 20, 11am

June 22, 11am

June 22, 11am

June 16-23, 2pm

The Documentary

Through Black in Mayberry, Black people in the predominantly white town of El Segundo have set aside their inhibitions and made themselves vulnerable in order to share their truth. We hope that these short episodes (each 3-4 minutes) on topics rarely discussed publicly will create a safe and unfiltered opportunity to learn more about what it is to be Black in Mayberry.

Art Against Racism LA Exhibit

Our Projects

Art is a powerful tool for social and political change, it inspires dialogue, encourages exploration and ignites action.

Butterfly Advocates

Paint an advocacy disc to represent your commitment to a single action that will combat racism.

Project Black Lens

Providing a 6 week intensive course in photographer for young Black photographers with a message.


Photographic art series depicting the dreams of young Black Americans for the future of America.

Still Waters Art Therapy

In person art therapy session for the victims of racism to heal and find safety in community.

Get Involved

You can make a difference to ending racism. Take the first step today!

Submit Art

Share art with a social message with our team for a chance to feature on our site or collaborate with our org.


We depend on the generosity of our supports to keep the wheels turning. A small donation goes a long way.


Corporate sponsors provide us with the ability and the security to plan for the future.


Our organization is 100% volunteer run, your talents and your time are greatly needed and appreciated.

Our Blog

Take a deep dive into poignant topics around racism and explore the Black experience through art.

As Seen In

We have proudly been featured in

Join Our Newsletter

Get involved in our mission to combat racism by staying updated with our initiatives and activities.

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