Black in Mayberry

Become a Volunteer

Working together to end racism is vital to creating a more equitable society. Volunteering your time and skills, whether it be through organizing events, leading education campaigns, or participating in anti-racist activities, will have a lasting impact on our communities and society. Together we can create a world free from racism and bigotry by working together to dismantle systemic oppression. Every volunteer contributes to the larger goal of ending racism and everyone has something important to offer. Through collective effort we can make real progress. 

Join us in the fight against racism via artistic expression.

"Racism is not an issue of the heart, it's an issue of ignorance. We can overcome ignorance together by educating ourselves and each other, and by working towards a common goal of equality and justice."

The Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering with Black in Mayberry, a nonprofit that combats racism by using art, will be a rewarding and enriching experience that benefits both our volunteers and our community. Here are some of the benefits of volunteering with us:


Making a difference: you’ll be making a positive   contribution to society and a positive impact in your community.


Personal Growth: You’ll develop new skills, gain confidence, and build self-esteem. We provide plenty of opportunities for personal development and learning.


Community building: connect with people who share common goals and values towards creating a more equitable society, alongside building new relationships and strengthening our community.


Networking: meet and work with professionals in the arts and social activism. Our network can lead to future job or career opportunities.


Learning about art: learn about different forms of art and how they can be used as a tool for social justice.


Cultural awareness: develop broader cultural awareness and understanding about the experiences of Black people in America. 


Education on systems of oppression: learn about systemic racism and its effects by working directly with Black artists. 


Increased empathy and understanding: develop empathy and understanding towards marginalized communities. This can help you become a more compassionate and socially responsible person. 

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Get involved in our mission to combat racism by staying updated with our initiatives and activities.

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