Black in Mayberry


The fight against racism is an urgent and pressing matter and it requires collective action on many fronts. Donating to a nonprofit focused on ending racism is one of the best ways you can support this important cause and help make a lasting change in our society. Every donation, no matter how small, will help create a brighter future and open up opportunities for those who have been marginalized or discriminated against due to racism. 


Join us today and donate to help provide the resources needed to combat racism – your generosity is much appreciated!


Working together to end racism is vital to creating a more equitable society. Volunteering your time and skills, whether it be through organizing events, leading education campaigns, or participating in anti-racist activities, will have a lasting impact on our communities and society. Together we can create a world free from racism and bigotry by working together to dismantle systemic oppression. Every volunteer contributes to the larger goal of ending racism and everyone has something important to offer. Through collective effort we can make real progress. 


Join us in the fight against racism via artistic expression.


Corporate sponsors play a crucial role in supporting our mission to end racism. We rely on donations and grants from businesses to fund long term initiatives and programs and to provide us with the support needed to plan for the future and exceed our goals.

By partnering with corporations, we gain access to additional resources and funding, as well as opportunities for increased visibility and awareness. We also welcome the valuable expertise and knowledge that corporations bring to the table for helping nonprofits to develop more effective strategies in using the arts for ending racism.

With the support of corporate partners, we can make a greater impact in our communities and work towards creating a more equitable and just society for all. 

Submit Artwork

African American artists have always used the arts as a means to combat racism. From Negro Spirituals to the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement, Black artists have used their creativity and artistic talents to challenge racist stereotypes, celebrate Black culture, and promote equality and justice.

Through their art, they have given voice to marginalized communities, creating works that reflect the experiences and struggles of Black people in America. From paintings and sculptures to music, literature, and film, African American artists have used various mediums to inspire social change and challenge the status quo.

Their art has served as a tool for activism, sparking important conversations about race and prompting people to take action against racism.

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